Restore Your Health & Reclaim Your Energy

I partner with you to uncover the root causes of your imbalances and create a personalized path to wellness.

Do you struggle with chronic health issues, fatigue, or feeling out of sorts? Take my FREE Energy Audit to find out what is sapping your energy.

The Energy Audit
Colin Carr
Renewed Energy & Vitality

Experience the joy of waking up feeling refreshed and ready to embrace your day.

Relief from Chronic Concerns

Discover lasting solutions to manage ongoing health issues and improve your quality of life.

Deep Sense of Empowerment

Gain clarity about your health, learn to listen to your body's signals, and build sustainable wellness habits.

Colin Carr

When Low Energy Rules Your Life

You deserve more than just getting by. Imagine the pang of regret as you cancel dinner with friends yet again. The frustration of missing out on your child's activities because you simply don't have the energy. Or the nagging worry that your relationships are suffering because your exhaustion makes you short-tempered and withdrawn.

The constant battle with chronic fatigue can erode your relationships, dim your spirit and create a ripple effect of missed opportunities. Don't let low energy steal your precious time, joy, and the chance to be the vibrant person you know you can be.

How I Can Help

1:1 Coaching

Receive personalized guidance and support to create a holistic health plan that addresses the root causes of your fatigue.

A man doing a handstand on a mat in a gym.

Neurosomatic Therapy

Experience gentle, hands-on techniques that release physical tension patterns contributing to your lack of energy.

A man getting a facial massage from another man.

Lab Consultations

Gain insight into any underlying imbalances through functional lab testing and develop targeted strategies for improved health.

A man writing on a clipboard next to a woman.

You deserve to feel energized, empowered, and truly alive.

Your Path to Wellness, Guided by Experience

I understand how frustrating and isolating it can be to struggle with chronic fatigue. I've been there myself, and I've dedicated my practice to helping others reclaim their energy and vitality.

“Colin’s impact on my fitness and general well-being went above and beyond my expectations. I’m just a few short months Colin was able to help me feel more athletic, strong, mobile, and most importantly, balanced.”

- David P

“Colin Carr is an INCREDIBLE CHEK Coach & Powerful Human Being... who knows how to get to the root cause of the issues that are most challenging to you.  His skill set is vast & is truly integrated which make him ONE of a KIND & INVALUABLE!! “

- Alyssa H


  • CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach
  • CHEK Integrated Movement Specialist
  • Neurosomatic Therapist
  • Integrative Health Practitioner
Colin Carr
CHEK Institute Holistic Lifestyle CoachCHEK ProfessionalIntegrative Health Practitioner Center for Neurosomatic StudiesEmotional Release Institute

How It Works


Schedule Your Discovery Call

Let's chat about your unique health challenges and goals.  This complimentary call helps us determine if we're a good fit to work together.


Neurosomatic Therapy

During our consultation, I'll outline potential next steps and we'll collaborate on a plan that feels right for you. This may include 1-on-1 coaching, lab consultations, or Neurosomatic Therapy.


Rediscover Your Vibrant Self

Embark on your journey towards lasting energy, improved health, and a life filled with the things you love.

A man standing in front of a mirror.

Find Your Path to Lasting Energy & Wellness

Battling chronic fatigue can leave you feeling lost and frustrated. That's why I offer a comprehensive approach that blends personalized coaching, mind-body therapies, and targeted lab analysis to uncover the root causes of your energy depletion.

Together, we'll create a sustainable plan that leads to renewed vitality and lasting wellness, so you can finally reclaim the joyful, energized life you deserve.





“Sessions with Colin are incredibly transformative. He has guided me to become aware of andexplore parts of myself I didn’t know were there, while helping me integrate that knowledgeand experience into present day practices. I was surprised at how deep we went right away,and all the while, Colin compassionately held space for me to feel safe and grounded. I feel asense of rebirth and reconnection with my true self after just a few Neo Emotional Releasesessions with Colin.”


"Colin Carr is an exceptional Emotional Release Facilitator! I immediately felt seen, loved andsafe while working with him despite never truly feeling safe with the masculine because ofcertain events in my past. His intuition was spot on throughout the whole process and I felt heknew exactly what I needed when I needed it. It was an honor to release layers of suppressedanger, sadness and shame with him. I’ve had resistance around emotional expression my wholelife and within 10 minutes I felt safe enough to go deep into my pain and let it be seen. Colin isknowledgeable, loving, in tune, and all around a fantastic human. I am so lucky to have healedmy relationship to the masculine within his presence. I am more secure, confident andpowerful since the session. If you have the chance to book a session with him, do it!""


Colin's way is urgently needed in this world. His unwavering presence and attentive natureinvite one to find calmness, to introspect, to leave their ego at the door, and to delve beneaththe surface. He exudes a profound sense of security and understanding, truly making me feelthat everything is welcome and can be felt. I highly recommend men and women to work withhim if they are tired of the endless excuses of their mind and if they feel ready to dive deep andfind out what is truly blocking their own happiness in life.


I had the privilege of experiencing a neo-emotional release session with Colin, and it was trulytransformative. Colin's approach is nothing short of extraordinary. Despite my initialapprehension about delving into my emotions, Colin created a safe and gentle environmentthat allowed me to explore without fear or shame. His understanding of the nervous systemand his reassuring presence helped me feel okay with whatever emotions arose—or didn't.Colin's skill as a space holder is unparalleled. He knew exactly when to encourage me to pushbeyond my comfort zone, and I emerged from the session feeling a profound release andmelting of tension, particularly in my biceps and trapezius muscles where I stored a lot of anger.I am deeply grateful to Colin for guiding me to a place of deeper understanding and healing,and I eagerly anticipate booking another session with him.

Michelle B

Thank you Colin for providing a space in the world that feels radically accepting and safe.Walking in I wasn’t sure what to expect. While I have done emotional work in many differentcapacities, somatic emotional release is new for me. I instantly felt at ease being in thetreatment space. Colin was a compassionate, knowledgeable guide as a worked my waythrough difficult emotions. His capacity to hold space for vulnerability is something special. Theexperience was an opportunity to witness my inner world with more compassion. It was also aninvitation for more awareness of my shadow and not hiding in that experience, but embracingand welcoming those feelings in a safe environment. I recommend Colin’s work for anyonelooking to reclaim their own power through emotional release.

Halie R.

Your Path to Better Health Starts Here

Take the First Step Towards Renewed Energy

Schedule your free Discovery Call today and start your journey to lasting wellness.

If you’re still not ready, try out my energy audit to find out what is making you feel so fatigued.