About Colin Carr Coaching

Helping you reclaim your energy and live a vibrant life

The Energy Audit






Why Me... Colin Carr

Born in central Illinois, I grew up with a loving family. During my childhood, I struggled with weight and health. Like most kids, I became interested in exercise and sports going into high school. While I missed the nutrition and lifestyle components, I quickly increased in my athletic abilities, particularly on the wrestling mat. After being state runner up and state champion I attended the University of Minnesota to wrestle and to pursue a degree in history.

Towards the end of my college days, I started to experience a loss of purpose, lack of energy, no drive, and was experiencing recurring injuries. Desperate to get healthy I turned to everything I could but surgery. It wasn’t until I moved to Austin, Texas and experienced working with a master CHEK practitioner did I get healthy and take my life back with new meaning and purpose. I currently live here in Austin utilizing all I learned.

I decided I wanted to pass on my knowledge as a CHEK practitioner as my legacy to the world to be too. I dropped everything to pursue a career as a holistic health practitioner through the CHEK institute and other complimentary healing programs. This is what I do today, it is my dream and I live it with love.
In my free time I love to be active with all Austin has to offer. I continue to love grappling and train jiu-jistu regularly and coach wrestling at 10th Planet Austin. I try weekly to get out in nature and go for a long hike and enjoy all the best (nutritious) food I can get my hands on. I also have a strong passion for supporting regenerative agriculture. All of these activities are better when my loving partner Gemma joins me.

This is my life and I’m happy to share it with you in whatever way that means for you.

Colin Carr

Take the First Step Towards Renewed Energy

Schedule your free Discovery Call today and start your journey to lasting wellness.

If you’re still not ready, try out my energy audit to find out what is making you feel so fatigued.